Make a decision by ICaN Training

Make a decision by ICaN Training


ICan Training founder Neil Stewart gives an in-depth analysis of what causes stress when working with their clients. There comes a lot of situations where at one point you will be seeking a lot of stress. Then you will have to deal with only thing i.e being required to make a correct decision.


One of the biggest things that seems to make people become stressed is the process of making a decision to do something. Whether its choosing to take action in your field or life, choosing where to invest your money, or anything else that you want to do. It’s difficult to know you are uncertain about your future plan of action. What Neil and his colleagues has found is that when you just go for it, press that button and take action takes the pressure of uncertainty off of your shoulders. Just making a decision, it doesn’t matter if its right or not, helps tremendously. This allows you to focus on what you’ve chosen, where you’re going with your decision. When people are having difficulty making decisions it’s because they’re scared of whats proceeds their decision and also have trouble with prioritizing activities.

Final Thoughts:

When it comes to stress in the business world and life in general, there are many ways to deal with it. Some people get erratic, and start to panic which never gets rid of stress. Stressing over being stressed is the worst type of coping with stress. To alleviate this stress you need to take a deep breath and realize that everything is going to be okay. You need to make everything easy for yourself by laying out the options and making a pro/con list. This helps you separate your choices and make a decision that’s in your best interest. The bottom line is that making a decision is the first step. To know more check out our website.